Has anyone ever attended one of the FI Chautauqua's? (https://www.fichautauqua.com)
Curious if it is worth the trip.
Are you aware of other similar gatherings that are equal or better?
Well now I can answer my own question!
I attended the 2019 UK Chautauqua, short answer, it was worth it. I wrote about it on my blog here: https://www.forgingfinance.com/2019/06/30/2019-fi-chautauqua/
Cool, will check it out!
How much did the event cost?
I guess I've always been one to kind of move away from financial gatherings because finances so much of what I talked about on Financial Samurai.
Cost was about $3,200, cheaper options were available for folks that wanted to share a room. The cost included 7 full days of room/board/activity. Only cost attendees need to spend beyond that are travel to the closest airport.
I thought it was well worth it, having never gone to FinCon or some of the other things out there. Finance was definitely a topic discussed, but I'd say it was more about that retirement mindset, a topic you've already written about many times.
Thanks for the run down on your blog. I first heard of Chautauqua today trying to listen to Millennial Revolution podcast (they are younger than me, fer sure), but I didn't know how it was spelled until I saw your post. I am going to attend my first fincon with hundreds of people I don't know. For some reason it seems less unnerving than meeting 30 strangers and spending a week with them. :-) I signed up for the mailing list for Chautauqua as you advised and even signed up for the waitlist to see what happens. Thanks again!
Quote from: svytraveler on July 04, 2019, 03:06:49 PM
Thanks for the run down on your blog. I first heard of Chautauqua today trying to listen to Millennial Revolution podcast (they are younger than me, fer sure), but I didn't know how it was spelled until I saw your post. I am going to attend my first fincon with hundreds of people I don't know. For some reason it seems less unnerving than meeting 30 strangers and spending a week with them. :-) I signed up for the mailing list for Chautauqua as you advised and even signed up for the waitlist to see what happens. Thanks again!
Fincon is pretty fun. I went when it was in San Diego and New Orleans. It's good to go at least once if you want to be an online creator. Now I'm too busy with family.
You know, I've been heavily considering FinCon this year....still deciding. I've had a lot of big trips already this year so I was looking to have at least one month at home. I may just have to jump in and go.