Financial Samurai Guest Posts For Wise Bread!

My Victory Sign
My Victory Sign

One of the main reasons why I returned my MacBook Pro laptop was because I failed to get published on Wise Bread before my return policy ran out.  

I figured why not have this goal in order to justify spending such a large some of money? After all, a writer needs his tools! Well, I'm excited to announce that my guest article on Wise Bread is now live!  Better late than never.

Please enjoy reading:Knowing When To Walk Away – Financial Planning For An Unknown Ending

Guest Post On Wise Bread

A snippet: “People have a notion that they must amass a certain amount of money, no matter how long it takes, before they can retire. But what if it took you 40 years of work to reach $1 million, and the very next year you died?”

A special thanks to Senior Writer Linsey Knerl at Wise Bread for accepting my guest post submission and taking the time to edit. Linsey was always so responsive, even in the wee hours of night when I was pounding away and asking her questions. Thanks Wise Bread and for the support Linsey. You rock!

Financial Planning For FIRE

I feel very fortunate that I was able to engineer my layoff and leave my six-figure job behind for a better life. I helped start the FIRE movement, Financial Independence Retire Early.

Now there are so many different types of FIRE that you may have trouble keeping track. For example, there's Barista FIRE, Lean FIRE, Fat FIRE, Coast FIRE.

If you want to learn more, check out the fundamentals of FIRE. I have a lot more FIRE resources available as well. Be sure to read about the risks of FIRE, FIRE FOMO, the FIRE police, Peak FIRE, FIRE confessionals, and more.


Financial Samurai

“Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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9 months ago

Sam congrats on the Good work with Financial Samurai.

14 years ago

Robert Sloan of S3 partners, a major hedge fund consultancy, has had major success in investing his clients money, saving his clients for the current financial morass, as well as making money for his clients. See the proof below:

For some time, Robert Sloan and S3 Partners, which works on an advisory basis for hedge fund clients on their interactions with prime brokers, financing counterparties, funding programs and other financing, has been warning clients about the importance of monitoring the risk associated with their counterparties. In the months leading up to this weekend they have also counseled the funds they work with to move $25 billion out of Bear Stearns accounts. In a white paper released just last week Robert Sloan further cautioned “Hedge fund managers should pay close attention to the collateral rights and obligations that they have with their financing counterparts… we believe that prudent hedge fund managers should put a robust process in place to address counterparty credit issues.”

This track record is too excellent to ignore. I would suggest you take a look at whats going on with Robert Sloan and S3 partners; It might save and or make you a lot of money.

Linsey @ Wise Bread
Linsey @ Wise Bread
15 years ago

We enjoyed having you over at Wise Bread! Thanks again!

15 years ago

Translation?: computers, computer stuff, geekiness, job, fun!

15 years ago

I do program management (not people management) for developer tools (SDKs and stuff). What can I say, I’m a geek. :)

15 years ago

An excellent, thought-provoking piece indeed. And congratulations for getting accepted on WB as well! Perfect combination for that article I think.

15 years ago

NICE post! Gets me to thinking – save vs. live – all over again.
I like my job a LOT though, at the moment. Is that going to continue for 23 more years? I can guess it is not. My father is cashing in his chips and I’m quite jealous, though I like what I do.

pssst – consider a freedom fund app for facebook. It could really take off!

William & Mary
15 years ago

Congrats man! That’s huge! Perhaps Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch will be knocking on your door one day! Have a great weekend buddy.