So you've survived the pandemic. Congrats! Now there's potentially World War III due to the war in Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza, and now Iran! These wars could bring in other countries like the United States and many more into the conflict.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine does have the possibility of starting the next World War. Imagine. Belarus joins Russia in the war. NATO fights back. The West levies massive sanctions against Russia. China backs up Russia. China invades Taiwan. Then the U.S. finally steps up.
If the U.S. gets heavily involved, then our citizens become at risk. Once a nuclear bomb hits America, billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg can retreat to over 700+ acres of now private Kauai land.
Even Mark's buddy, Facebook ex-board member and early investor, Peter Thiel has a private jet gassed up and waiting to fly his family and friends to the most expensive place in the world, New Zealand, if World War III ensues.
But what about the rest of us poor saps who can't afford to buy out indigenous people or cough up $20,000 an hour for a 12-hour Gulfstream 650 flight across the world? Are we commoners screwed? Heck no!
We must stand our ground and fight for our freedom as the ungodly rich flee our great nation! If we survive, we can then rebuild our own empires. In the process, we can confiscate the properties of those who fled and permanently ban them from returning home.
How To Prepare For World War III (And An Alien Invasion)
Let's hope we have a swift resolution to this latest war. Let's also hope the shooting down of multiple UFOs in North America doesn't cause an all-out alien invasion.
However, just in case the world goes to hell, here are some things I'm planning on doing and so should you.
1) Be as fit as you were in high school.
Now is the time to stop making excuses about physical fitness. We had our chance to get fit during the pandemic, but now there's World War 3 to deal with. If you're overweight, it's time to get back into tip top shape. It's important to be as lean as possible when you're chasing down or running away from an enemy combatant.
I plan to make sure I can run three consecutive miles in 18 minutes or less. I'm only about two miles away from the ocean where I can take cover among the sea people. Make sure you are fit enough to run nonstop to your closest safe zone! And if not, get an electronic scooter.
Here are two weight charts to see if you're a healthy weight. If you're not within the guidelines, then at least make sure you can complete the distance and time requirements. Remember, you don't have to outrun an angry bear. You just need to outrun the person next to you. The least fit will suffer the greatest!

2) Reinforce your secret room (panic room).
Do you remember watching Wes Craven's 1991 film, The People Under The Stairs? It's as terrible as watching The Exorcist as a kid. Nightmares galore! You'll learn from the movie that everybody should build a secret room so nobody can find them.
If you don't have a secret room, you must build one. If you can't build one, then convert a crawl space, attic, or unassuming closet into one. After the air strikes are done, the ground strikes will begin. A secret room will help you hide from your oppressors.
Your secret room should have electrical outlets for a mini fridge, microwave, router, CCTV, laptop, and cell phone. You should be able to live in your secret room for at least a month to let any sort of nuclear radiation thin out a little. If your enemy is camped outside, the longer you can hold out, the higher your chance for survival as they move on to their next victims.
Don't forget to build a ventilation system and reinforce the entry way with steel rebar. The biggest risk to a secret room is that it gets discovered. Your enemies could smoke or burn you out, so consider having some type of anti-fire device, and definitely keep several oxygen masks as well.
Anne Frank and her family began hiding on July 6, 1942 until they were betrayed and arrested on August 4, 1944. A secret annex will buy yourself time to find solutions. Please visit the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam if you are ever there. We must never forget the atrocities of war.
Examples of panic rooms for World War 3

3) Train in hand-to-hand combat and the use of firearms.
Now is the time to watch every single Youtube video there is about how to use a knife and a gun. Take classes in hand-to-hand combat as well. Focus on chopping the person's throat, elbowing the solarplex, and kneeing the groin. If you can grab a hold of your assailant's pinky, bend it backwards until it snaps.
I studied martial arts for years growing up in Asia so don't mess with me intruders! Further, as a softball slugger, I'm handy with using a bat. Time for everyone to brush up and get fierce!

4) Create an A-team to survive World War III.
If it's just you and your family, it's going to be harder to survive the war compared to a hoard of 60 heavily-armed militia.
In order to build a team, you've got to make a pact before anything happens. That means reaching out to your nearby friends and sharing your contingency plan with them. Maybe they'll think you're crazy, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
We created pandemic pods. We should create World War III A-teams.
Don't be that dumbass who connects over LinkedIn out of the blue when he wants something. You need to be maintaining relationships long before something bad happens!
If your house gets overrun, you need to be able to flee to a friend's place. I have one friend who lives 2.5 miles away who has already built a panic room with a 6-inch reinforced steel door. The importance of being fit enough to run nonstop to your closest ally cannot be underestimated.
The Financial Samurai A-Team will include any reader who has read since this site started in 2009, picked up a copy of Buy This, Not That and left a stellar review, contributed at least 100 thoughtful comments, knows how to communicate and play well with others, and has skills in archery, camping, hand-to-hand combat, and critical reasoning.
5) Set up a proprietary communication system.
If either my wife or I am ever captured, we have a secret code word we will use if ever we get to speak again. A lot of times captives are forced to speak under duress (e.g., gun to head, knife to throat), hence, if for some reason I can't detect the worry in her voice, she'll use one of several secret words to signal her true situation.
We also have a secret post to leave a message on Financial Samurai. Financial Samurai stayed up every day during the pandemic. It sure as heck will stay up during an invasion. However, in the event that all electronic communication is lost, we will leave little clues in the real world.
Related: Five Financial Observations Since The Start Of Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
Where To Invest During World War III
The chance of World War III is pretty low, but it's a good idea to prepare anyway. In the more likely event that our global politicians just play chicken with our lives, here are the financial moves I'll be more eager to make.
1) Worst case scenario: hoard real assets
Money means nothing during a world war because governments will proceed to crank up the printing press to fund their army, thereby causing inflation. Sometimes there's hyperinflation, as in the case with Germany post World War One.
After World War One, the German Mark fell from 4.2 marks to 8.91 marks per dollar. But paying for war reparations caused an economic collapse. The exchange rate rose to 4,200,000,000,000 marks per dollar by the end of 1923. The rate of inflation was 3,250,000% per month! By mid-1923 workers were being paid as often as three times a day. As soon as the workers got paid, they'd rush to buy some goods before their cash became worthless.
Real assets to consider hoarding include real estate, gold, silver, copper, oil, steel, cars, weapons, watches, matches, lighters, multiple pair of glasses, binoculars, pads, canned food, socks and shoes. Cryptocurrencies plummeted in value while gold surged the day Russia invade Ukraine.
Since cash becomes useless, it's important to have real things to barter with. Unfortunately, the minimalist who rents and owns nothing will be screwed in a high inflation environment. Therefore, you need to be a maximalist who owns everything you want and need that money could once buy.
Funny money investments like stocks won't do you any good during World War III! You need assets that provide shelter or have some type of utility to help you live.

Related: The Inflation Interest Rate Paradox: Why You Must Continuously Invest
2) Bad scenario: buy the most sovereign bonds possible
Buy bonds from the country you think will come out a winner. At least buy bonds in a country that you believe will pay back its debt. The most sovereign country is usually the United States because we have the biggest army, the deepest financial system, and a world currency.
During the 2008-2009 financial crisis, the U.S. dollar gained against the world because the world found relative sanctuary in U.S. assets. This was even though many Americans were freaking out about whether they'd have a job the next week! When Russia invaded Ukraine, the USD strengthened and the Ruble weakened.
Remember, everything is relative when it comes to investing.
If the Chrysler building in Manhattan blows up tomorrow, stocks will tank and Treasury bonds will surge as investors flee riskier assets. Emerging market equities will probably sell off harder than the S&P 500 as well. Don't forget the fear of contagion that wrecked the Asian economies in 1997.
I was loading up on municipal bonds after the 10-year bond yield hit 3% in 2018. Then the 10-year bond yield fell to about 0.5% in 2020 and is now back up to ~4.9% after so many Fed rate hikes.
In a World War 3 and alien invasion scenario, the U.S. should emerge victorious. Therefore, the world will be buying U.S. Treasuries and U.S. real estate all day long.

3) A swift uncertain scenario: hoard cash and do nothing
If we're just going through temporary uncertainty, then hoarding cash is just fine. Even though cash is losing purchasing power due to elevated inflation, it's still better than losing actual money in the stock market. Most politicians are rational, therefore, they usually won't go crazy with their aggression out of fear they'll be overthrown.
Hoarding cash is the easiest and most logical move to make during times of uncertainty. Here are other capital preservation investments to consider. When you hold cash today, you're getting ~5%. So actually, holding cash is fantastic given inflation is under 4%.
Paying down debt without fully paying off debt is the wrong move because you'll still have monthly payments. Liquidity is most valuable during times of uncertainty. The more liquid you are the more choices you have.
4) A positive long-term scenario: buy stocks and real estate
Based on history, buying the S&P 500 at the start of a war has usually proven to be profitable. Below is a chart from Fundstrat that shows how the S&P 500 performed after the Vietnam War, Gulf Wr, Afghanistan War, Iraq War, and Crimean Crisis.
The Afghanistan War period is something to be aware of since our current situation is similar. We've had a long bull market full of irrational exuberance. The “good thing” is, many of the most expensive growth stocks and speculative assets have already corrected by 50% – 80% within the past six months. Whereas, it took 2-3 years for similar types of securities to correct post the Dotcom bubble.

As for real estate, it is the favored asset class during wartime. When stocks are selling off during a war, real estate tends to hold its value as investors seek the safety of hard assets. Let us hope the Israeli/Palestinian war does not escalate into World War III.
Once the war is over, real estate tends to recovery with the economy, often benefitting from heavy government infrastructure spending. If your property isn't confiscated by the invading country, real estate is as close to a “head I win, tails you lose” scenario. I'm a buyer of private real estate funds like the ones offered by Fundrise.
Real estate prices are down now because mortgage rates are high. As a result, I'm dollar-cost averaging into real estate as well as into private growth companies through Fundrise Venture.

It's Always Worth Preparing For The Worst
If there is a World War III or an alien invasion, your number one goal is to survive until the chaos clears. Most wars don't last longer than two years.
Think about World War III as round two of another global pandemic. We've already experienced two years of the pandemic. Hence, perhaps World War III won't feel as long or as difficult if it happens.
It is incredibly sad an unnecessary war has begun. Lives will be lost. Livelihoods will be ruined. And so much economic progress and goodwill will disappear.
Nobody wins if World War III breaks out. We just have to gut it out until better days arrive.
Readers, how are you preparing for World War III or an alien invasion? For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai began in 2009 and is one of the largest and most trusted independently-run personal finance sites in the world today.
WW3 is EXODUS. U cn run but U cn’t hide. either way, chances r, prolonged agony leads 2 death. Hope and Pray that peace will outpower greed. Be vigilant and stay safe everyone!
We should prepare for World War 3. The government is not going to help us. The churches are not going to help us. They drive us to it. We need to prepare and survive.
Dictators protect themselves between the strong military fence and the propaganda they have built and The fate of others and even their own nation is not important to them.Everyone is talking about how America should deal with them But they often forget how much America helped to make them strong.America must start from itself. Groups and powers that support the enemies of democracy should not enjoy the benefits of democracy in America and its allies Otherwise, the world of democracy has already lost the war
I am disappointed by the “experts ” lack of mention of EMP’s.. One hydrogen bomb set off at 90K ft. will fry almost all electronic devices with a computer chip in them , in half of the country. There goes your computer held money, cars, radios, gas pumps, food chain,electricity, water pumps and on and on. The Gov’t has spent a long time and billions prepairing for the EMP disaster.
OK, the big guys start to ready for an all out war. Have you ever driven on I70, on a good ski day times 20? Do you think our mountain friends will sit for 1.5 million hysterical Boulderites, and 1/2 million liberals who want to use their Gold Cards to be taken careful. If I were a mountain man I’d use some of my mining exlosives to blow tunnels and bridges. Hell on earth!
Oh come on! Let’s be real here. The article states, this is a plan for the ones who don’t have the riches needed to escape?! . I would need the same amount of money to build this elaborate secret room. Not practical for everyone.
I don’t plan on running. I plan on fighting. I would rather go down in a blaze of glory defending my homeland than hiding like a rat in a bunker having others die for my country’s freedom. I will not be lead to the slaughter house after my left wing neighbors tell their communist friends invaders where I am.
Right on! Thank you for your service comrade!
Thanks for the laugh. While I was laughing I was also reviewing your list and mentally checking off the things I’m prepared for versus not.
I’m liking the panic room in the middle of the ocean close to the tiny desert island. Perhaps on my next vacation I’ll look for it. While laughing, of course.
Same here….I am 50% ready but the pinky advice is good and I procrastinate too much on getting back into shape..May advance with my hide out under the stairs but still pondering that. Thanks for the great prep report….
Invest in a Seattle houseboat, one that can be relocated. Avoids issues with global warming sea rise and you get to live by the ocean. Not sure if it helps with WWIII exactly – but if there’s a motor, there’s maybe a possibility to leave the US? :)
Good idea! But need lots of critical fuel. So maybe house sails are in order too.
I am in Seattle. When I was in army was told life expectancy will be about 3 minutes in the region so most of us will be fried before we know whats going on.
Sam, for once I can’t tell if this post is serious, or meant to be a mockery of “preppers.” For me, I see a lot of this stuff as common sense stuff that I was already doing before the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Things like being fit (I run a couple 5k’s a week), being able to defend myself and my family (weapons), having some extra food and water, alternate means of obtaining food (gardening/hunting), etc. but some things are a bit over the top, like an underground shelter. I have been looking at purchasing some real estate outside the city, though, as being in a large city in such a scenario would be the worst place to be. Worst case scenario with my extensive backpacking/wilderness experience, I could probably survive for months out in the public lands/national forests.
Financially, I haven’t really changed anything besides keeping a little extra cash and adding a few precious metals to the portfolio. All the regular stuff continues like maxing out Roth 401k and Roth IRA, and after-tax investing.
10 day water fast will clear up cholesterol. Cholesterol never an acute problem. Cholesterol meds almost killed me.
Hawaii was not a us state in 1941.
I find this article and advice interesting and expensive. It suggests for humans to build hideout underground. At the same time to invest in real estate. But if I go underground for two years, who will look after my investments? I know there are many underground places around the world that you can hide, without having to spend a fortune in building it yourself. Even hospitals, and colleges are built with underground hiding areas. Be healthy and fit is a great recommendation, not just during war. Be safe pray daily and be hopeful to live in a peaceful world.
Fortunately for me, I’m 71 years old and won’t have to put up with this crap much longer.
Hah! Love the attitude. Be well!
You will out live us all!!!
This article really touched a nerve. My father retired as a Brigadier in the Indian army, my uncle, also a Brigadier, was killed in one of the India-Pakistan wars. None of us, unless we fought or are family of those who were lost, can even imagine the horrors that wars inflict on us. I took this article as a way to help navigate my finances during and after a war, that’s all. Thank you to all of you, who have served.
As a former Navy operator who was wounded in war, all I can say about this article is, wow. And it’s not a good wow either.
You forgot to mention the biggest part of war – psychological preparation. You must be ready to kill your enemy and I guarantee most will not be ready to do whatever it takes to keep you and loved ones alive without having severe emotional regret or hesitation.
It takes years to physically and mentally prepare for war. And no paper money or other assets will keep you alive. The more you become a logical animal with survival skills, the longer you will live, although I’m not sure you will want to with WWIII. There are many horrible nuclear, biological and chemical weapons you have never heard of and never will experience twice.
Observing people hoard toilet paper in the first years of Covid should have made everyone aware that we “aren’t all in this together” and in time of true despair, we regress to our animal and survival instincts. Covid wasn’t even a shadow of the horror war is. My best advice to surviving is: stop being an emotional human; have a lot of ammo; be well trained on all weapons; have canned food and know how to clean water.
I really cannot say enough about the neophyte nature of this article. Not meant as a harsh criticism, but you have no idea of what it takes to kill or stay alive.
I would think most people have no idea how to kill. Although, I have been in plenty of fights before and know where some of the break points are.
You don’t think getting fit to maximize your flight response and train yourself in hand to hand combat and the use of weapons is a good recommendation? Creating an underground secret room with canned food and water is also a good idea.
What is the difference between your recommendations and my recommendations?
Any suggestions on how to stop being an emotional human being? Thx
The differences between mine and yours is hope. If the war I think can occur will make even me question if staying alive is a good decision. I have little hope that mankind can withstand a nuclear, biological or chemical attack, or if you even want to be around for the aftermath.
Being fit – great. But you spoke of running 6 minute miles – are you really going to run that fast with your child or wife beside you, or are you going to abandon them or move at their pace? How far can you run in an underground bunker? Weight loss won’t be an issue as stress will shed weight off a person like you wouldn’t believe possible. And food and water scarcity or viability will be compromised.
You think being in a fight will prepare you for bullets and explosives? So you think you can get close enough to a professional killer and all you will do is strike him? He will show you the working end of a Randall knife or something that fires multiple projectiles in excess of 700 meters per sec long before you get close, and he is trained in Ju Jit Su or other martial arts, and he and his buddies kick each others butt for months or years with it just for fun. I have been in fights and I have been in war and there is absolutley no comparison. Even with all my training and experience, no two objectives are ever the same – just like investors to bring it back to your world.
Training, preparation and visualization. That is my answer to your last question. Don’t worry about becoming less human because if you live long enough, it will happen naturally. I have done horrible things to human beings and so I have regret. Like grind my teeth to nothing at night from regret and the pain from war. Have you ever spit teeth out at night or pulled a weapon on a shadow in the hallway? Physical violence is never more than a night’s memory away. Guns taste cold and oily, and knives are surgical sharp. In my first life I died in 1992 from war and most days I don’t feel human. That’s war. That’s human despair. Stick with money matters because war is unlike anything else. It is life and death, not profit and loss.
I’m sorry you have to deal with the mental trauma of doing horrible things to other humans. One way to heal is to stay positive, help people in need to time and money. There’s no better feeling than helping others in need.
Unfortunately, this war affects our finances as well. So talking about it is appropriate. And if you don’t like the discussion, there’s always another place to read.
Thank you for your service. It is because of you that we are able to write freely and express ourselves without fear of being sentenced to 15 years in prison.
You obviously sit with a lot of pain. Please pay no mind to anyone who lacks empathy. Don’t take it personal, we have no idea of what you have been through, what you have done, what you have seen. I am sure it’s hard for you to see people talking about money during war time when if there is a WWIII, money will be the least of our worries. This war would be like nothing we have ever seen. The horrors of war a nuclear war is unimaginable to anyone of us. There will be no winners in WWIII. I am not even sure if there will be any life afterwards. I wish you peace, I wish peace for us all, I wish for world peace.
thanks for sharing. any advice helps.
Sometimes I wonder if emotionally charged people commenting, like you, even reads articles, or just projects your feelings into your comments?
You say to remove emotion and to be logical, yet your comment is full of emotion.
You write “ My best advice to surviving is: stop being an emotional human; have a lot of ammo; be well trained on all weapons; have canned food and know how to clean water.”
But the article has these recommendations. And no, people can’t just stop being emotional, as you have demonstrated.
excellent reply. running a 6 min mile? losing weight? too many van dam movies. your advice was succinct n logical. for those who “want to live”: get proficient on firearms….learn how to clean water…..the time spent here will pay dividends
for those who dont want to be a part of the new world order….or for those who do not wish to be “baked to death” (think 911 trade towers where they chose jumping over burning)….try skid row…..get your hands on a lethal dose of fentanyl
That’s some pretty wild stuff you’re talking about, Sam. I once read an account of a European family during World War II who was able to preserve their wealth by converting their savings to gold and hiding it behind the casing of a door jamb for the duration of the war. I think I’m well-positioned for such an event sans the panic room. I think I’ll watch that movie tonight though
Belarus is already on Russia’s side (secretly). NATO isn’t going to fight back. Ukraine is not part of NATO. Nobody cares about Ukraine they are alone. There isn;t gonna be WW3.
Putin has now put nuclear weapons on alert as he is not happy about the sanctions. Get ready now. Don’t regret later.
Unless Russia rounds on the US for helping Ukraine… holding & keeping Russia’s gold. It really only takes one bomb.
Don’t forget to pick up an F-15 on the black market… it’s not a G-650, but you can DEFINITELY kick the butt of any MiG on the planet (Ref: 104-0 combat record). Can also be used to flee quickly (Mach 2.5+) should the need arise… Limitations: Single seat
I read that the residents of Sarejhvo (sp?) who did well when it was blockaded were those able to provide food, arms, drugs, alcohol or sex. Keeping precious metals (gold, silver, lead), some cash, medicine (try to stockpile if you need something like insulin) and food could save you. I saw mention above of freeze dried foods… be aware that such food requires copious amounts of clean water, which may be in limited availability depending on where you live. The ability to distill clean water should be considered.
why did the US get involved in ww2? bc the japanese attacked a US state. prior to that direct attack on US soil, america was not going to get involved. why did russia get involved? bc the germans broke the ribbentrop pact and attacked russia. prior to that, russia and america were fine to let germany take europe. im bewildered by this idea that you think if china takes taiwan, the US will fight back. over taiwan? no. the US will let china take taiwan because that is 10000x more desireable than declaring war on china. the US is not going to fight russia over ukraine or china over taiwan. get a hold of yourself. think rationally.
Russia he already been involved in ww2 before Germany atacked them. They had started war in Finland and participated in the attack on Poland. Not same as US.
i meant against germany. superpowers have no problem attacking smaller countries. but when do they attack each other? in the case of ww2, russia only began to fight germany after germany broke their pact. when did the US fight germany and japan? after pearl harbor. right now, russia hasnt attacked the US directly and they wont. russia hasnt attacked nato and they wont.
Roosevelt did everything he could to provoke the axis powers into attacking the U.S. so he would have a reason to join the war, despite the fact that the citizens of the U.S. didn’t want to be involved. Biden encouraged the Russians to invade Ukraine to distract from his dismal performance as President. Simply stating that The Ukraine would not be allowed into NATO could have prevented the current war.
I agree with you. However, I believe that the powers that be desire some sort of war or skirmish. Reason being, war is profitable
um no, Putin attacked Ukraine more (as he already annexed Crimea and Luhansk regions in 2014, because he knew Trump wouldn’t do anything about the run-up (staging), nor would the EU would do anything other than sanctions if he did actually invade. This has nothing to do with Biden specifically. But he miscalculated the Ukrainian army. They are good, motivated and ready to show the world they can punch back, and ultimately be a free Democratic country ready to join the EU and NATO for protection. Putin thought he could take Kiev in three weeks, but look at him now, with over 300,000 troops killed, wounded or missing/captured with more everyday almost 8:1 (according to Ukraine). The comment about Putin would have accepted the Crimea and Luhansk along with a non-NATO Ukraine is false. He has said in interviews (only after the war started) that all of Ukraine is his goal. We need to stand with Ukraine more and more. We need to help more countries like Ukraine (Venezuela, Armenia, Georgia, Taiwan, etc) that want to go from Putin croni-ism type junk to free Democracy. It is a most prosperous and healthy type of rule for its citizens.
US is NATO. If Russia accidentaly bombs Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland the US is in war with Russia. It only takes one mistake.
Pray the rosary is the only thing that can save you and the Eucharist. Do an intense research on Miracle of Fatima it’s been announced 100 years ago of the remedy of the situation of the world. There are actually survivors in Heroshima Japan just by the rosary and people actually survived many years without food or water like Saint Alexendrina …just their faith and above all their good relationships with God.
Our Lady of Fatima pray for us
Great post to get everyone thinking about the worst-case scenario. Your comments about being able to run 2-3 miles non-stop clearly came out of the mouth of a young person. Sooner or later, all of us will get to the age where you won’t be able to run 3 miles non-stop. What’s the plan if the end happens when you’re over the age of 50?
Well, I have two solutions – 1. Get a bicycle. We all can ride a bike probably up to 70 years of age. Use the bicycle to get to your safe place. 2. Buy acreage and bunker down. If you don’t have the ability of “flight” then you’ll either have to fight or hide. If you have land, it would be easier to hide. The best way to hide? If you live somewhere where no one is looking for you.
In the end, the best way to avoid catastrophe is to have the uncanny ability to see the future and act beforehand. During WWII, many people were able to escape the Holocaust. But they did it by leaving Germany BEFORE the Nazis closed off the borders. Those of us that are prepared before the crises occurs have the best chance of survival. If you are in the middle of NYC, L.A, San Francisco, or D.C when the crap hits the fan…….it won’t matter how fast you can run.
Just sayin’
Excellent point about getting a bicycle, or even an electronic scooter. Getting out before the borders close is definitely vital. Good to have a back up plan on where to go. We might go to Lake Tahoe.
Yes! an electric scooter is even better! We could all weeve in and out of traffic. But the scooter needs to be fast enough to outrun the zombies :-)
i dont think the roads will be as they are now for scooters. maybe a motorcycle.
I agree with the countryside plan. We are from France here (end of our twenties) and we always lived in countryside. So we know the basics : gardening, hunting, fishing and little livestocks (chicken, rabbits, ducks, etc). And to us the best to survive is to know that things could be possible, and be able to adapt. As millenials, we were laughed at about knowing how to live like our grand parents, but that is What will save us. Yes we like video games and Netflix, but we also like to chop woods and fishin. I agree with the old military man on the damage of War, my brother had PTSD After Afghanistan and he is the antipathic type. We just have to ask our elders with WWII, it was survival and they didn’t had time to cry over their fate, but it fucked them up. I know i will not be able to kill an other human, and my 7mth old will probably not survive the lack of formula (otherwise i have to buy goats which will serve multiples purposes), but if i can survive like my grandmother in her countryside house, for my son, maybe i’ll be able to live a decent life as in the 50s.
I’m going with the zombie army. Just grab one staring blankly into its cell phone. They’re easy to find. Tell them they are giving away free iPhones – over there, and then stand back while they crush the invaders.
I’m headed out this morning to load up on weed, alcohol, and cigarettes!
belarus wont join in because russia doesnt need any help. they can and will easily take ukraine. “NATO fights back”? against what? russia isn’t and wont attack any NATO countries. NATO’s not going to defend non-NATO countries. you’re concocting the most nonsensical scenarios. and yes, china will obviously eventually take taiwan and the world will obvoiusly let them, just as the world is letting russia take ukraine. can we stop pretending that all of this wasnt foreseeable? china knows very well noone will stop it from taking taiwan and it also knows the US wont even enact sanctions because we’re too reliant on them economically. taiwan is as good as gone. other than that, stop all the hysterical catastrophizing with scenarios that make 0 sense eg NATO fighting russia
One thing we know is that when it comes to war, there is never 100% certainty about anything. It’s the same with investing.
no but there are likelihoods and probabilities and thats what we play, just like in investing. why dont you advocate using lottery scratch cards as a retirement strategy? why dont you talk about becoming an NBA All-Star as a strategy for financial independence? because the odds are so ridiculously low. just like your ww3 theories. nothing is certain, but many things are so highly improbable that they can only come from some tinfoil hat wearing wingnut.
Sounds good. But I would encourage you not to prohibit free thinking. As soon as you box your mind in, you may miss out on a lot of opportunities and can get sideswiped by black-swan events.
One of the most incredible things we have is the ability to think.
Please share what are some things you are doing right now to protect your family and your finances. All thoughts are welcome on FS.
People who don’t have the ability to think freely might as well be controlled by a dictator.
Maybe James is Russian? Something to think about.
Anybody who does not have the intelligence to entertain blackswan events usually is very stubborn and rigid in thought. They do what they are told. Like the Russian soldiers killing Ukrainians for nothing.
Belarus is already participating . The attack on Kiev comesc from belarus territory.
Belarus won’t join in with Russia? Well you were off the mark there.
“they can and will easily take ukraine.”
Well, this comment hasn’t aged too well … the invasion began Feb 24. Today is May 4. Yes Russia has taken some territory, at great cost to them. But they haven’t “easily taken Ukraine.”
Sam was right, never 100% certainty….
Good one bill! Die happy
Im not sure that fleeing to new Zealand is the best option currently. Too close to China, who seem to be currently preparing for war.
Trump won the 2020 election by factual citizens though he lost the position as president because of countless lies from professors industries big tech and government evil doers against trump against righteousness of law and justice constitution took over government. Israelite evil Zionist setting up sex trafficking ring to ruin politicians in America to distract us from the real problem on their to do list agenda to globalize the world causing an uncertainty on our future in America going to world war 3 during hurricane season aftermath of pandemic and lying politicians for not having stole an election for self interest and mismanage it until we go to war with lack of security on the south border and north because of Canada’s restriction of freedom, there is a time bomb in this world, this is only a few of the thousands of untold truth, one of many other possible topics. How do you feel about stocking up safe and successfully in regards to follow the whole truth?
Don’t worry, according to Quran numeric prophecy, Allah would gather all zionist in the holly land then destroy them in away can never be healed again. Last war to start in 05March and it will end in 29June2022. Remember by this day no more Israel:). Zero doubt as i have absolute confidant in Allah words .Quran. No need to disagree. It’s very close; lets wait a little and see allah welling and promise take a place
My friend I’m a crusader Watch the miracle in Fatima do a research It’s a message of God to the world including our Muslim brothers and sisters the 3 ibrahimik religion. Why do you think it happened in Fatima….. Muhammad daughters name is Fatima it’s not a coincidence. Religion is not the problem…. Poor theology is the problem….ignorance. Did you know that Islam Catholicism and Jews are 80 percent the same and all three worship the same God. I agree with what you said God will prevail
Did you predict the Ukranian war? Are you sure it will end in June ’22?
Yes, I agree. GET OVER IT!
Hopefully this article is tongue in cheek. If we had a true world war, with my family scattered all over the globe, I wouldn’t want to live.
Guns and bitcoin for sure. As a kid walking to school I got caught up in 2 groups fighting each other with weapons as some got stabbed and fell to the ground dying. It’s true that initially fear turns the legs to jelly. But if you are lucky; adrenaline pumps and you can outrun a bear. Living through that was an experience I’ll never forget.
If you have today USD 300,000 cash what you would do for having assets to prepare to protect it during & post Crises?
a-If decided to remain Liquid to what currency ?
b-When decided to buy farmland in Asia or in Canada where to invest ?
I would surely avoid banks since they would stop dealings, also converting to Gold will not be practical as will be a target of lutting ..