I've been waiting to publish my 2022 goals until now because there's some whacky statistic out there that says most people give up on their goals by January 15. Therefore, by waiting until after January 15, I have circumvented this sad reality!
2022 is finally the year to live it up. Less work, more fun!
After a difficult 2020 and 2021, I'm sure most of us are tired. But the good thing is, we didn't let the pandemic go to waste. We worked hard, took risks, found new jobs, started new hobbies, and discovered what we really want to do. Having goals keeps us focused.
There really is no going back to the way things were. If you are still miserable at your job, in an unhealthy relationship, or dissatisfied with your overall lifestyle, it's time to change. And change we will!
After sharing my 2021 year in review, here are my financial, work, and life goals for 2022. I'll be turning 45 this summer, which means I am most likely in the last half of my life. Therefore, I will try not to waste too much time going forward.
I hope you will share some of your goals as well.
Personal Finance Goals For 2022
Although most of what I write is about personal finance, money is only a means to an end. We want money in order to live the life that we want. I need to make enough passive income to cover my desired living expenses so I don't have to be beholden to anyone.
1) Generate another $300,000+ in passive investment income.
Our family lives on less than $250,000 a year. But by 2023, our budget will probably surpass $250,000 due to a new preschool expense for our daughter and inflation (officially 7% in 2021). If our portfolio can generate another $300,000 a year in 2022, that will be three years in a row of generating this figure.
At this point, I will be 95% sure neither my wife nor I will ever need to go back to work, even after a bear market. Right now, my confidence level is at about 90% that we can remain stay-at-home parents indefinitely.
Below are our estimated passive income streams for 2022. Roughly 65% of our passive income and 50% of our net worth come from real estate. And because I have bullish predictions for real estate in 2022, I feel good about our exposure. I believe there is an 8-10% upside in prices and rents in 2022.

If the S&P 500 continues to do well, then dividend income should continue to grow. Unfortunately, I'm not too bullish on stocks in 2022. I believe with 35% confidence the S&P 500 could close down for the year. But that still means there's a 65% chance we'll have another positive year.
I should start converting some growth stocks into dividend stocks. Financials could outperform this year.
Hoping For Some Surprise Passive Income Upside
I'm hoping my passive income investments are conservative by ~15% to account for positive unforeseen events.
This year, a couple of venture debt funds I have are likely to increase distributions given we're in years five and six.
Further, I see good upside in some of my real estate crowdfunding investments that withheld capital in 2020 and 1H2021 out of precaution. Distributions should increase in 2022 as new-normal life returns.
In fact, on January 12, 2022, I received a surprise distribution of $58,813.37. This was good for tax purposes because I had just received a distribution of $46,547.71 in December 2021.

2) Grow net worth by 10%.
10% has been my ideal annual net worth growth target since I left work in 2012. It is based on the historical return of the S&P 500. If a 10% annual net worth growth target is achieved, our net worth will double every 7.2 years and beat inflation. The key to growing my net worth is from investment growth and active income.
The larger our net worth grows, the more passive income will be generated as well. At this point, ~30% of our net worth is in equities, ~50% is in real estate, ~10% is in alternatives and speculative investments, 8% is in bonds, and 2% is in cash. I've excluded my business equity for this calculation.
In other words, our net worth will get crushed in a bear market, but do well in a bull market. But with valuations so high, I'm mentally prepared for a 10% correction.
At the very least, I want to increase our net worth by $250,000 because my $1 million, 10-year term life insurance policy is coming due in January 2023. I just got a new 20-year, $750,000 term policy, so increasing my net worth by $250,000 makes up the difference.
3) Increase spending by 20%.
After a solid three years in the stock market and real estate market, I think it's wise to spend some of our gains. This way, we'll at least get something tangible out of our risk-taking, just in case our investments decline in value.
Increasing spending by about 20% feels like enough to improve the quality of our life, but not enough to feel bad about spending more than normal. The percentage increase follows a little less than our ~25% stock gains from 2021. We're spending our boot and not going to feel guilty.
The only problem is, I've got to think hard about how to spend this extra ~$50,000 a year since we have our housing, transportation, food, and education covered. We aren't into fancy clothes, watches, and jewelry, which is part of the reason why investing usually ends up as the main beneficiary of our savings.
We will probably spend more money on travel and vacation lodging. Revenge spending is absolutely going to be a priority in 2022. So is charitable giving. I will give more to the Pomeroy Center, which helps disabled adults, and the Edgewood Center for children.
Work Goals For 2022
Although I don't have a day job, I have Financial Samurai. Each article takes hours to write and edit. It is up to me to decide how much to work without burning out. The challenge is usually me trying to say “no” to opportunities because I tend to want to do everything.
1) Limit online work to 20 hours a week.
20 hours a week provides me the maximum amount of joy from work. At 20 hours a week, I could easily work for the next 10 years. A typical day would be two hours of work in the morning before exercise and errands and one or two hours of work in the afternoon or evening.
This may be one of the toughest goals to achieve because there's always something interesting to write about. Unless my hand is broken, I just can't help but want to write. There are also an endless number of potential business partners to work with.
However, I'm committing to semi-retirement in 2022 as taxes go up and restrictions ease. The best time to retire is when the government provides the largest safety net, which is happening.
Meanwhile, one of the worst times to retire is during a pandemic when there's less to do. Therefore, I'm just going to follow my own advice.
2) Lose no more than 25% of online income.
Given I plan to take things down in 2022, I expect my online income to decline. 2021 was a record business year because I tried harder and the economy came back. However, in 2022, I'm going to try 25% less hard on average. Therefore, if I can lose less than 25%, then I will view it as a win.
I may also finally hire some experienced freelance writers to write on Financial Samurai. Different perspectives are always welcome. However, when I tried in the past, I found it took almost as long to edit the post as to write a post. Therefore, finding the right fit will be important.
My plan is to continue investing most of my online income into real estate investments to generate more passive income. It's also nice to have something to show for my online efforts.
3) Create a successful book launch.
I'm going to be wiped out after finally finishing my book this month. It has taken two years and a dozen edits from three professional editors and my wife to complete. In February, we'll finish up the layout and design. Then in March, the book will be sent off to the printing presses for a July 19, 2022 launch date.
Therefore, from March 1, 2022, through July 19, 2022, I will be actively marketing the book for pre-orders. Pre-orders count towards the first week of sales. Then of course, once the book is officially live, I'll do some more marketing through July.
To me, a “successful” book launch means at least 3,000 sales during the pre-order period plus the first week the book is live. It's a daunting task, but I'm willing to try. Succeed or fail, I want to always try my best.
But perhaps a successful book launch is simply my kids bringing the book to show and tell and sharing what their old man does. I’d love that.
4) Give a TV interview.
After much consideration, I've decided to be a little more public in 2022. This is a big one given my desire for privacy and disinterest in self-promotion.
There is also a lot of unpleasantry on the internet which I've experienced over the years. The larger you get or the longer you’re around, the more people come at you, even if you don't come at anybody. My comment section is sometimes used as a repository from disgruntled folks.
However, after all the incidences of AAPI hate since the pandemic began, I think it's time to represent. Maybe by representing, there will be more love and understanding for Asian and Asian-American people.
I often think about the world my kids will grow up in. I had some rough incidences growing up in Virginia for high school and college as a minority that I don't wish my kids to experience. But at least it toughened me up.
After all these years, there is still little diversity in the personal finance world and among non-fiction finance authors in America. It's just the way things are as people tend to hang out with and support people who look like themselves.
I've looked across blogs, TV, YouTube, big media, and podcasts. The same types of people are interviewed or covered over and over again. Therefore, I plan to be the change I want to see in the world.
I know it will be hard for me to break-in based on what I look like and who I am. Further, some of my views are different from the status quo.
For example, a lot of people hate my lower safe withdrawal rate recommendation for the first few years in retirement. I got called a lot of names unfortunately. This is even after I candidly opened up about the negatives of early retirement. But I just share my experiences as honestly as possible so you can make more informed decisions.
With some virtual body armor, I'm going to give publicity a go for six months and see what happens.
5) Record 25 more podcast episodes.
I've enjoyed recording podcasts during the pandemic because it's fun to deliver a message in a different way. It's good practice to get my message across in a succinct matter. Further, my archives might be fun for my children to listen to after I'm gone.
The Financial Samurai podcast hit its 100th episode in December 2021. If I record at least one episode every two weeks in 2022, I should be able to hit 25 episodes easily. Further, if I get a sponsor, I may record even more.
You can subscribe to my podcast on Apple, Google, or Spotify. I like getting straight to the point in 8-15-minute-long episodes.
6) Grow newsletter subscribers by 10,000.
For being around since 2009, I've got a small newsletter list of about 50,000. This is what happens when you don't view your website as a business.
Therefore, in 2022, I'm going to focus on growing my newsletter subscriber count by 20%, with the eventual goal of getting to 100,000 subscribers by 2025. My newsletter often talks about real-time financial and life topics versus more evergreen topics with my posts.
You can subscribe to my free weekly newsletter list here. You can also subscribe to my posts here.
7) Generate at least 12 million pageviews.
In 2021, Financial Samurai generated about 14 million pageviews. Pretty neat because most of the traffic came from search engines like Google, which tend to be less biased. Google tries to serve up the best content no matter your race, sex, nationality, beliefs, etc.
For those of you who are not part of the in crowd or feel marginalized, feel great knowing you no longer have to rely as much on gatekeepers to succeed. You mainly need to be good at what you do.
Given I plan to work 25% less in 2022, if there is a 1-for-1 correlation with effort and reward, Financial Samurai's pageview count will decline to about 10.5 million. However, given there's a passivity component to blogging, my goal is for pageviews to decline by 14% or less.
The funny thing is, generating 12 million pageviews in one year is about 11 million more pageviews a year than what I ever hoped for when I started in 2009. After all, it's just me writing 99% of the content. Thanks for your support!
Life Goals For 2022
The most important thing I care about is my family. I am focused on being a better father, husband, and son. The thing I hate is losing my temper. Therefore, I've got to be careful not to let work goals negatively impact my family goals.
1) Recalibrate time with my children.
In 2022, my son will turn five, which means he will start remembering most things in his life. Isn't it funny how all the researchers say the first five years of a child's life are the most important, yet kids can't remember much of it?
Given his memory power will increase, I need to get back to maximum fatherhood enthusiasm. To do so requires having more energy and working less. Our daughter is two and deserves just as much time with us as her brother had with us.
However, the problem with trying hard to always be around for your kids is that they sometimes don't want to be with you! Each rebuff is like a dagger to my heart. Therefore, I also plan to recalibrate time with my children.
Kids this age can’t help themselves. Both my wife and I are always at home. Therefore, there is sometimes an oversupply of attention. And often, I'm second fiddle. But my boy is coming around!
2) Maintain the same body weight.
Although I'm about 10 pounds heavier than I was in 1999, I still fit into the same pants and shirts. Good thing styles were baggier back then!
I've found my steady happy weight of between 168 – 171 pounds at 5′ 10″. Sure, I'd love to be 155 pounds again like I was in high school. However, getting to that weight would make me less happy due to a diet change.
Besides my goal of fitting into the same clothes forever, I also want to stay below a 25 BMI, the threshold for being overweight. I know BMI is not the best metric for determining the ideal weight given there are some very muscular people out there. But for me, I know 175+ pounds is too heavy on the tennis court. However, it's not bad for hitting softball bombs though.
I plan to cut down on sugar intake by 50% and intermittent fast two times a week. I will continue to stop eating before I feel full. Frankly, I just don't want to die before 65, especially since COVID seems to be more damaging to those who are out of shape.
3) See my parents at least twice.
I'm no longer letting COVID throttle my travel plans to see my parents. They aren't willing to travel, so I will travel to them. The ideal scenario is if my family goes out to Honolulu in July for a month or two. By then, at least my son will be vaccinated. But there's my daughter to worry about.
We can rent a separate house and come visit my parents regularly after four days of doing our own thing and getting tested. The one or two months in Honolulu will also be a test drive for retiring in Hawaii in the future. I think it's going to be great.
If we don't go as a family, then I will at least visit my parents once during the summer and again during the winter for 5-7 days at a time. My trip to see them in December 2021 was really wonderful. I sensed the joy in my parents.
4) Be a better communicator.
Good communication is key to a better marriage. The conflicts we've had often involve miscommunication. Therefore, I will work on eliminating making assumptions and being more clear.
For example, let's say it's 1 p.m. and I haven't had lunch. I've been up since 4 a.m. working, sending our son to school, and dealing with unreliable contractors on a remodeling problem. Instead of assuming my wife will realize that I am tired and grouchy, I will tell her how I'm feeling.
Because I'm generally upbeat and smiling, she might not understand the last thing I want to do, when I finally sit down to eat, is work on some other project. My wife will share a fascinating discovery about herself in an upcoming post this April that has helped us communicate better and me be more empathetic.
Biggest Goal For 2022: Have More Fun!
2022 is going to be better than 2021. We've learned so much about ourselves over the past two years. As a result, we're going to take more action to do more of what we want and less of what we despise.
I'm looking forward to having a lot more fun in 2022. From book-signing events in San Francisco and Honolulu in June and July to maybe attending the U.S. Open in August and September in NYC, I plan to get out of the house more.
I've come to realize life is simply more fun when there is some daunting goal to achieve each year. It can be changing careers, relocating across the country, public speaking, getting married, or whatever. It's that thrill of an unknown outcome despite all the preparation which gets me excited.
Failure is no fun. But not trying is even worse. We've made it this far, we might as well keep on going!
Related posts:
Financial Samurai 2020 Year In Review: Didn't Give Up
2023 Financial Samurai Goals: Back To Easy Living (I'm going to try it again and succeed this time!)
Readers, what are some of your goals for 2022? Please share them as I'm always looking for ideas and motivation. Join 50,000+ others and subscribe to my free weekly newsletter. Since 2009, the newsletter has helped people achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Sam, you should go on CNBC, they have made a conscious effort over last years to have much more diversity of opinion and advice on investing
From one Sam to another, thank you for your awesome post and content! Really enjoy your material. Here’s to a happy 2022!
Sam- when looking at passive income options do you look for the passive income that also can be offset by your passive losses? With your real estate do you do a cost seg on it to accelerate the depreciation?
Excellent post!
When you say your family needs around $250K annually, from the context, I gather that this is a pre-tax or gross income equivalent needed to sustain your lifestyle.
In previous posts, you’ve pointed out how even incomes of $400K-$500K gross may be tight for families with kids living in high expense coastal cities. I’ve found those posts very informative, and illustrative of the impact some choices of lifestyle can impose on us financially.
Well, you guys are a family with with 2 kids in a high expense coastal city and you seem to be able to do pretty well with a much lower income than those illustrations. Congratulations!
Would you consider putting an illustrative family annual budget on a future post? Does your $250K gross lifestyle entirely spent on expenses, or do you also budget for savings within that (meaning your actual expenses are even lower)?
Hey Sam, happy new year! Your blog has helped me so much to finally straighten out my finances and is a rare source of information that is aligned with urban coastal city living/standards. I can’t say how much I appreciate it enough. All the other advice I can find seems to be wildly outdated/unrealistic.
I know that you’re drawing a lot based off your experiences but I was wondering if you might consider writing a bit more on how to think about finances when you don’t (yet) have a partner or kids. It’s a growing contingent in the US–and I think, worldwide.
Excited for the book :)
Howdy TAP! HNY to you to. Glad to have helped!
I can absolutely writing more about finances when you don’t yet have a partner or kids. The majority of my life has been without kids after all (39 out of 44!)
Your comment reminded me of this post: Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Salary
Thanks for the upcoming book support!
Great article, looking forward to your book, congrats on that! I’ll share a few of my goals below, but I also wanted to say I really enjoy some of the marriage and parenting content the last couple years, I wish more writers were open about that because I get a lot out of it.
1. Invest $150K – public markets, mostly equities.
2. 3 family vacations – two within driving distance, one flying.
3. A weekend local vacation in a swanky hotel for my wife and I without kids.
4. Be a better boss – give my managers and top performers the star treatment; invest more time connecting personally with all employees; make decisions quicker and live with being wrong sometimes; Make sure to sell the vision and get people bought in, even in a ‘boring’ industry this is important.
5. Hire a night nurse or other help for when we have our third (!!) kid. This goal might also hurt the investment goal lol, but hopefully will be worth it.
2022 Goals
My goals this year aren’t very well rounded, since they’re mostly financially focused, but I’m ok with that because we should be able to relax in 2023 after the hard work we put in this year.
– Finish renovating first Airbnb unit by March 31
– Start and complete another Airbnb unit by June 30th
– Start floral design blog in July. Over the last few years, I’ve taken small steps towards this goal (purchased domain, set up website skeleton, created list of articles/ideas) but it’s time to finally post some content.
– Restart annual Friendsgiving party to see many of the friends we’ve missed.
– Have a blast in Las Vegas for my husband’s birthday in July
– Go to Sam’s book signing
– Invest all Airbnb and 41% of W-2 income into index funds
– December ski trip with siblings and their kids
Wonderful goals! Having a blast is always a good thing :)
I would love to meet you at a book signing event in SF or Honolulu.
Very excited for your book! Hope to meet you at your future book signing events. Can’t wait to pre-order it!
One of my 2020-2021 goals was to buy another Bay Area property in SF or the Peninsula. Offer was just accepted today. I guess better late than never! I have many ideas and plans for the property. Hope to lock in this deal before rates go up again.
Thanks Ceci! I look forward to meeting you at a book-signing event as well.
Congrats on the Bay Area property acceptance!
Hey Sam,
Given the Dow dropping 1.5% and SP 500 1.84%…I was reminded of your post on the best times to further invest in the market were after dips around this magnitude. I don’t remember the whole pos/complete context and, given the current less than rosy macro environment…was wondering if you believe this advice still holds true?
I’m nibbling on the way down and will buy aggressively in a 10% correction. How about you?
I’m very conservative and perhaps pessimistic-not nibbling on the way down and actually looking for closer to a 15% correction. We will see….
Sounds good. What percentage of your net worth is in equities? Mine is about 35%. And I wish it was only 30% with stocks correcting ha.
Are you conservative also because you left work behind too?
Longtime reader… will definitely buy your book. Suggest you put links to Amazon pre-order at the end of your articles and in your newsletter. My guess is that your loyal reader base will appreciate a chance to directly support you.
Appreciate it! Will do the big reveal probably between Feb 27 and March 6 on my newsletter, then will highlight the book in my posts.
I’m currently doing final edits after the copy editor has gone through everything, which is already after the two content editors have already gone through everything as well. It’s like polishing a stone into a marble or diamond. After the polishing is done, it’s finalizing the design and layout.
Help me understand one point that I’m probably just missing. You state that your spending is slightly less than your passive income goal, so how do you grow your net worth by 10% per year? Do you have a separate portfolio that is for growth (as opposed to income), or is this income from the website?
Investments and active income hopefully. I left in 2012 to live off investments and supplemental retirement income.
How about you? What are your 2022 goals and where are you on your financial journey? I’m hoping more people care share.
I’m in the “one more year of work” camp. I could probably comfortably retire, but enjoy doing what I do and do feel any compulsion to leave. So I am still trying to grow net worth while switching to more of an income strategy to be set in future years, i.e. CrowdStreet investments.
Nice Article. Can you share how much income you earn from your Financial Samurai blog, it doesn’t seem to be part of your 300k passive income. And when you say you budget 250k of spending that means 300k -250k = 50k of income left to invest?
Maybe I missed this through one of your blogs – but what about any income you are receiving from this blog? Where is that included on the passive streams table!
I know it might seem easy to write all these articles, but a lot of work goes into them. But maybe that’s the goal. Make something look so easy that it seems passive!
How about you? What are some of your goals for 2022 and where are you on your financial journey?
Every single one of these goals is attainable Sam. Been reading your stuff for a good month now. Absolutely love it. I feel like you and I are from EXTREMELY similar cloths. I’m 42 years old, run a portfolio of 10 websites that I own, invest the dough into real estate, stocks, and alternatives. We’re in similar income brackets. Similar savings (though you’re definitely a little ahead of me with your early career success). I even trained to be a professional tennis player back in the day. Crazy when you’ve been writing long enough (I began in 2007), that in nearly 15 years of doing this I’ve come across literally only a few people who do what I do. You’re officially the 3rd. Anyway, hope to connect in some way beyond this site. I would imagine we would have a ton of laughs.
Howdy Nat, nice to hear from you.
Wow, running 10 websites is huge! I can barely keep my head above water running Financial Samurai. Not sure how you do it on only 3-4 hours a day. I’d love to check a couple of your biggest ones out and learn some productivity tips from you.
Sure thing Sam. I dropped you an email from my work address. Look forward to speaking.
Just sent my site list to your email BTW. I too like to keep a low profile so I didn’t put it here in the comments.
Robert Kiyosaki is a pretty influential Asian-American in the financial world.
Unfortunately, as his claims of success are dubious at best.
I forgot about Robert! Thanks for the reminder.
But based on the number of books he has sold and all the tickets he’s sold to all his seminars, I’m sure he has made tens of millions over the years.
I do not plan to go that route. I really dislike selling anything. Alas, I gotta confront my dislike this year with my new book!
It would be nice if Robert were more humble though and recognize when his doomsday calls for years have been off.
And his fetish for Trump. That’s the only thing I don’t like about him. Hard to respect someone who thinks Trump is a great businessman.
When I started in investing 3 years ago, I was told to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I found him to be incredible arrogant and pompous. Amongst other things, he advised against going to college. Not many can become millionaires right out of high school.
Happy New Year Sam! Yes I have made my goals attainable I love the idea of revenge spending we are planning on going on two big vacations and taking monthly outings to enjoy what the wonderful state of California has to offer. My big financial goal is to finish my estate and trust planning I have been putting this off for a few years but now I need to get more serious. Cheers have a wonderful week!
Good goal! Please do finish the estate and trust planning. You will feel much better once that’s done. Also, you might as well put together a Death File. Finishing that is easier, and the accomplishment feels just as good!
I’ve heard you mention the lack of diversity in the personal finance world before and have observed the same lack of diversity. How we can we better address representation in the field?
Furthermore as someone who has a passion in personal finance and is another white male, how do I avoid further entrenching the current status quo?
Suggesting specifically new people to other bloggers, podcast hosts, YouTubers, etc is probably the best way. I think a lot of people just aren’t aware of the homogeneity/echo chamber. So pointing it out helps with awareness.
And of course there is nothing wrong with being a white male. Personally, I just enjoy different perspectives and cultures, especially since I grew up in multiple countries as a kid and worked in international equities.
Thanks for asking!
“I’ve come to realize life is simply more fun when there is some daunting goal to achieve each year. It can be changing careers, relocating across the country, public speaking, getting married, or whatever. It’s that thrill of an unknown outcome despite all the preparation which gets me excited.”
^^This is so true!
I just got a new goal. My revenge spending is to try for an EMBA at MIT (wish me luck). I have a lot of passive income now, and love my job, and think joining the MIT network could kick it over the top for me and help me get better results for the people I work with — I’m a non-profiteer. So, there is almost NO way this financially benefits me. But, I think it will help me be a part of the club to better connect with donors and social investors. I also think it will be a lot of fun intellectually, and the bi-monthly trips to Boston will be fun. Additionally, I, like you, don’t prize fancy cars, clothes or jewelry, and unlike you, I do not have children so I also have no need to save money for their college. I usually just invest more into condos each time I have a chunk of savings. But, I kind of have enough for now, especially if I keep my day job. Therefore, I want to interrupt my non-stop investing in real-estate and reinvest in myself with an experience that I think will enhance my thinking and network for the rest of my life. This big expense is like my version of YOLO and trying to make myself the best I can be. When I graduated with my MPP 10 years ago and got into my career, I soon regretted not getting an MBA as well. So, now’s my chance, and I feel pumped.
Sounds like a plan! The community aspect is huge. Especially over the past two years.
Community was the number one word that popped up after our preschool administrator asked on the group video call what parents hoped to get out of joining their school.
I think you’ll have a lot of fun! Go for it and good luck!
That’s awesome, love the post as always Sam – long time subscriber. I’ve no doubt the 10,000 subscriber additions will be smashed.
I’m a big believer in setting financial goals at the start of ever year, i feel everyone should do it and I put it down as a major reason I’ve recently crossed $350k by age 30 on the road to FIRE by age 35.
I’ve put together a free printable for setting SMART financial goals that may help (link below).
Thanks as always and looking forward to your next post. And when are the podcasts coming back??
Cool. Thanks! What are some of your goals for 2022?
You’re welcome, I’ve been following the apple podcasts. Really enjoy them.
Well financially my goal is to grow my net worth from $350k to a minimum of $430 by the end of 2022.
This includes 60k of contributions, along with dividend reinvestments and hopefully some appreciation. Even the 5% you noted in your previous post I would be content with.
This will keep me on the path of FIRE’ing by age 35 (4.5 years from now) with a net worth of $1.5M.
That’s the goal anyhow.
Just signed up on your website. You are a fellow Canadian?
Awesome, yes I am a fellow West Coaster similar to Sam. Currently in Vancouver which is a very HCOLC.
Before that I was in Toronto, and Dublin, Ireland.
All of which we’re HCOLC’s. Hmmm I’m seeing a trend here, maybe I should change that in the future.
Hey that’s smart on publishing your goals after Jan 15! ;) I published my own goals on the 12th not because I thought of that clever logic, but because I was behind schedule lol. I wanted to do it about three weeks earlier but didn’t prioritize it and finally told myself if I didn’t just sit down and do it late one night I might never get to it. So I’m glad I had a second wind that night and took the time to write mine down. I’m slow at writing, but it always feels so great to publish something out to the world.
Really solid goals Sam! I’m always impressed with your list each year. You do such a great job of balancing out financial, work, and lifestyle goals. Really exciting about your book coming out this summer! I can’t even imagine how much work that has been and still is. The process must have really changed the way you look at books in general now.
I really love reading myself and am trying to make sure my kids love reading and appreciate books as well. We have a rule in our house to always show respect to books because they give us knowledge and can also let us dream BIG and turn those dreams into reality. The other day my son said to his little sister “hey, don’t step on books! We have to take care of them.” I was so proud of him for remembering that and helping his sister to learn the importance of respecting books as well. <3
I certainly hope you get some more breathing room in your day-to-day this year. A long summer vacation certainly sounds like a great goal to help with that and you can see your parents at the same time, that'd be a nice double win. I hope to see at least one of my parents this year or call them both more often at the very least.
Here's to a better and brighter 2022!
“ We have a rule in our house to always show respect to books because they give us knowledge and can also let us dream BIG and turn those dreams into reality. The other day my son said to his little sister “hey, don’t step on books! We have to take care of them.” I was so proud of him for remembering that and helping his sister to learn the importance of respecting books as well. <3”
Awesome! My mother taught me this as well, but didn’t explain it the way you have. Well done!
We should strive to explain more why things are the way they are to our children!